Trigger Adjustments Procedures for Rifles

Trigger Adjustments Procedures for Rifles

Trigger Adjustments Procedures for Rifles can be dangerous if you do not know how the adjustments work . You do need some mechanical skill and understand that it is easy to make a rifle “unsafe” if you do not do the trigger adjustments carefully.

Most rifles come from the factory with very good triggers, many fully adjustable.  The Remington 700, Winchester M70, Kimber,  and Anschutz, and many other rifles have triggers that can be adjusted for not only weight of pull, but also reduce that annoying creep or slack in the trigger pull.  I don’t mind the heavier trigger pull, as long as it breaks clean without a lot of creep. I am no gunsmith, but even though all the gun manufacturers say only a qualified gunsmith should adjust a trigger, many shooters would like to know how it is done. I will tell you same thing.  Have a qualified gunsmith adjust your trigger.  Now that I have insulted you, by declaring you to stupid to do the job, here are some links to articles that tell you how Trigger Adjustments Procedures are done.

Winchester M70
Remington M700 Trigger Adjustments by Quarterbore
RWS 54
Savage 110 Trigger Adjustment
Ruger M77 Trigger Adjustment
Kimber 82 Trigger adjustment screws
Huber Concepts Anti-Friction Ball Triggers for Military Surplus Rifles

Kidd Trigger Kit Installation