The Marlin 1894CS in .357 Magnum Caliber (also uses 38 Spl) is a great little rifle and cartridge combination, especially if you already own a .357 Magnum or 38 Special revolvers. It has an 18.5″ barrel with deep-cut Ballard-type rifling, adjustable iron sights, sling swivel studs, and a checkered American black walnut straight grip stock. It is a compact little hunting rifle, weighing 6 pounds with a lot more punch than most people give it credit for. With the right loads, this rifle is quite capable of taking deer out to 100 yards.
The 1894CS is the small frame version of Marlin’s classic lever-action hunting rifle. The “C” indicates it has a carbine-length barrel and the “S” indicates it is the more modern version with the cross-bolt safety which has been around since 1983/84. Some do not like the safety but others do.
There are very few rifles chambered in .357 Magnum, but I have always liked guns and calibers that are a little different. I like the popular old 30’06 about as much as the Texas Aggies – not much. That being said, I have been on the prowl for a .357 rifle for several months.
I first saw the Ruger 77/357 at a Ducks Unlimited event and went out the next day to get one, only to find out it is almost impossible to find. I did manage to find a used one and had it shipped from New Hampshire to Georgia to my local gun shop, only to discover that UPS managed to rip open the box and lose the bolt.
My next move was to look at the lever-action guns by Marlin, Rossi, and Henry. Finally found the Marlin in the photo above and I am very happy with the gun so far. It is lightweight, has good balance, and shoots very well with most ammo. It functions very well with 38s or .357’s so you can shoot either in the 1894, making it equally well suited for hunting or target shooting.
I know some people say a scope on a lever-action carbine looks pretty lame but my eyes are not the best anymore. I mounted a low-power scope on it to see what kind of accuracy I could get with .357s and 38s. For testing, I used an old 3X Weaver scope. I like the looks of the old scope on this rifle and it made 50-yard testing easy (my 100 range is closed at this time).
It is a challenge to find the right scope mount for the rifle. Weaver makes a couple of long mounts that conflict with the iron sites. I ordered the one that works with Leupold dovetail rings, but I would have had to take the rear site off the gun to use it. I did not want to do that so I finally found a two-piece Weaver mount that uses Weaver-type rings made for a Marlin 336 that worked. A one-piece mount for a Marlin 336 will not match the screw holes in the 1894 frame.
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After getting the scope zeroed for 357 loads, I loaded up several different 38 Special and .357 Magnum loads with 158 and 125-grain lead and jacketed bullets for testing. Along with the hand loads, I had three factory .357 Magnum loads I wanted to chronograph.
All of the loads shot well in the rifle but velocities varied depending on the powder used in the hand loads or the brand of factory ammo. Factory .357 loads ranged from 1500 fps up to 2000 feet per second depending on the brand of ammo. Remington 125s were slow, Winchester 158s did very well and some old CCI Lawman 140 grain ammo broke 2000 fps. Wow..that’s great…let me run out and get more of that Lawman guessed it…that ammo has been discontinued.
Never fear, I have a loading press and when you have a rifle that shoots pistol ammo, handloading makes this combo shine. Maximum loads of Hodgdon Lil’ Gun powder push Hornady 158-grain bullets at over 2100 fps. My goal was to get 2000 fps using a 158-grain bullet, so I backed off a full grain of powder to 18.0 grains of Lil’ Gun pushing the 158’s to a tad over 2000 fps.
I do not really want to shoot loads in the rifle that are not safe in a revolver. After all, I will be using the same .357 ammo in my revolver as the rifle. For accuracy, Winchester 296 really did great, producing 1800 fps velocity with 158-grain bullets with 3-shot groups close to 1″ at 100 yards. This is probably the most accurate load I have found so far. Most of the ammo I tested shot groups under 2″ at 100 yards..
I had photos of the groups of each load but somehow they were deleted when I updated the website. I can assure you that most of the ammo will shoot better than you expect. I did take a few does with the Marlin 357 and got quick kills and complete penetration with the 158-grain Hornady XTP. The range varied from 50-100 yards.
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Marlin 1894CS in .357 Magnum Caliber – Choose Your Caliber
There is one drawback to the Marlin 1894CS in .357 Magnum Caliber. 357 Magnum revolver shooters usually shoot 38 Specials in their guns for practice to save money and wear and tear on the guns and bodies. This doesn’t work too well with the .357 rifle because the point of impact between 38’s and hot .357 Magnum loads is about 6-8″ different at 50 yards.
And the difference is not just elevation. As power goes up, the point of impact moves up and to the right. So unless you have a scope or rear peep sight with target-type adjustment knobs, you are stuck with shooting one caliber or the other. Since I want to hunt with my rifle more than use it for target shooting, I zeroed it for hand-loaded .357 Magnums and put the 38s back on the shelf. When deer season is over, I can adjust the scope back to 38s.
Below is a table with some of the tested loads. Remember – Never try to load .357s for a rifle to higher pressures than a revolver. Be safe. The loads below may not be safe in your gun. Start lower and work up to max loads for your particular gun.
357 Magnum Velocities In A Carbine
If you are wondering what type of trajectory and power the Hornady 158 JHP has, I ran the numbers on the Hornady Ballistic Calculator. The results below were better than I expected. It shoots pretty flat and enough power for deer out to 100 yards or so. A .357 bullet fired from a carbine has more energy at 150 yards than the same round has from a revolver at the muzzle!

Marlin Lever-action Rifles History
Marlin lever-action rifles have a rich and storied history that dates back to the mid-19th century. The company’s dedication to craftsmanship and innovation has made Marlin a respected name in the firearms industry. Let’s delve into the fascinating history of Marlin lever-action rifles.
Early Years: The Marlin Firearms Company was founded in 1870 by John Mahlon Marlin in New Haven, Connecticut. Marlin initially focused on producing revolvers and derringers, but it wasn’t until the early 1880s that they ventured into lever-action rifles. The first Marlin lever-action rifle, the Model 1881, was chambered in various calibers, including the popular .45-70 Government cartridge.
Marlin Model 1894: The Marlin Model 1894, introduced in—you guessed it—1894, is one of Marlin’s most iconic lever-action rifles. Chambered in pistol calibers such as .32-20, .38-40, and .44-40, it catered to the growing demand for a reliable and powerful firearm that shared ammunition with popular handguns of the time. The Model 1894, with its solid construction and smooth action, became a favorite among hunters, cowboys, and law enforcement officers. This model is now chambered in 357 magnum caliber.
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Marlin Model 1895: Another significant addition to Marlin’s lever-action lineup was the Model 1895, introduced in 1895. Unlike the Model 1894, the Model 1895 was chambered in more potent rifle calibers, including the mighty .45-70 Government. This chambering made the Model 1895 a preferred choice for big game hunting, where the cartridge’s power and versatility were highly valued.
Marlin Model 336: The Marlin Model 336, introduced in 1948, is one of the most popular lever-action rifles produced by Marlin. It succeeded the earlier Model 36, offering improvements in design and manufacturing. The Model 336, chambered in various calibers like .30-30 Winchester and .35 Remington, gained a dedicated following among hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. Its solid construction, compact size, and reliable action made it a beloved choice for hunting deer, hogs, and other game.
Continued Innovations: Over the years, Marlin continued to innovate and introduce new features to their lever-action rifles. In the 1960s, Marlin introduced the Micro-Groove rifling technology, which provided improved accuracy and increased bullet velocity. They also incorporated side ejection in their rifles, allowing for the use of a traditional scope without obstructing the ejection port. In recent years, Marlin has expanded its lineup to include stainless steel models, modern finishes, and chamberings for popular cartridges like .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum.
Acquisition by Remington and Return to Original Ownership: In 2007, Marlin Firearms Company was acquired by the Remington Outdoor Company. However, in 2018, Remington faced financial challenges and filed for bankruptcy. As a result, Marlin was sold back to its previous owner, Sturm, Ruger & Co., in 2020. Ruger has since resumed production of Marlin lever-action rifles, ensuring the continuation of the brand’s legacy.
Conclusion: The history of Marlin lever-action rifles is a testament to the enduring appeal and craftsmanship of these firearms. From the early days of the Model 1881 to the iconic Model 1894 and the popular Model 336, Marlin has consistently delivered reliable, accurate, and versatile rifles that have become favorites among hunters, sportsmen, and collectors alike. With Ruger at the helm, the future of Marlin lever-action rifles looks bright, promising. Thanks for reading the Marlin 1894CS in .357 Magnum Caliber.
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