Free Printable Targets From Internet

Ruger PC9 Test Target

Free Printable Targets from the Internet-The ODHA loves to shoot paper and is always looking for targets. We have found a variety of great free printable targets from many web sites and have provided you a list of those below. Pistol targets, rifle targets, bench rest targets, air rifle targets, and good old plinking targets are available.  To those generous people who have made free targets available to us, we are very grateful and want to thank you for making our trips to the range more exciting.  Please visit the sites below for some outstanding targets and don’t forget to say thanks to the ones who make them. It may look easy, but it is not. Have a great shooting day!

Two Squares on Grid
1″ Squares on Grid
Inside Out Game
Game Call Targets
Nosler Varmint Target
NSSF Targets
Target Printer
Warhammer Target
Lucky Gunner